Youthfully Led

Our CEO and Top Management, are all under 35 years of Age

Award Winning

We have more than 12 Business and Individuals Awards to our Name

Multiple Buying Centres

5+ Centres in the Southern Region of Zimbabwe
About us

Our Story

Consha Enterprises started with just one single gold buying office in Malindela in Bulawayo, and now has grown tremendously with operations spanning across Matabeleland South Province and surrounding areas.  By the end of 2016 we won the awards for Best Gold Buyer Regionally and Best Overall Gold Buyer Nationally.

To date, the company has 5 Gold Buying Offices, and  plans are underway to setup multiple gold buying centres in the remote areas of Matabeleland, ONE-STOP-SHOPS, for women, youths and all other groups of small scale miners.

1 years
Industry Experience

Our Vision

To expand the markets for Small Scale miners whilst increasing gold production

Our Mission

Maximizing the number of centres and access points for which gold can be sold.


Simplifying the gold buying process and situating buying centres closer to mining operations

Our Services

We're your One Stop Gold Buying Agent

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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